ph / originals from
I have to share my bitterness about magazines and blogs using the lyrics of Nirvana in every single editorial or trendreport on grunge. How I disgust reading the first line of 'Come as you are' or the well-known 'Smells like teenspirit', even as semi-, semi-, semi-journalist that isn't in the position to criticize other's writing. So, Dries van Noten nailed it with another brilliant comeback of Kurt Cobain's gathered mess. He is the spirit behind the comeback of the white sunglasses. So far nothing new.
It is just that grunge is so much more than the combination of checked flannel shirts, flowery dresses and characteristic white glasses. It was the ultimate fuck you-fashion, the unappreciated little brother of anti-fashion. And it is the nonchalance of gathering any piece of clothing you would find in your near surrounding. Getting dressed, without dressing up. It was a state of bewildering and of ultimate loneliness.
The checked shirts nonchalantly knotted around the hips could be the most noticable grunge-statement. These Céline Fall 2013 dresses enlarge this typically knotting but form the contradictory feeling of loneliness: warmth and embracement. Even though I understand the hyping of Dries' use of translucent flowerprints and the 'grunge 2.0' as some Dutch magazine delivered the cheesy message, it would be so much more interesting if uncommon, far-fetched links were made. Not Dries is the teller of grunge tales, but the classy Célne. Let's stop with literal connections and copies from copies from subcultures, and focus on indifference. Please find yourself different lyrics on grunge.
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