The Amsterdam Fashion Week starts tonight! And the best part is dat you can follow the highlights of the catwalk from behind your screen. Make sure you dress properly (but pyjama’s are also allowed). Would you rather be attending the fashionweek offline, but you are lacking invitations? AFW has got an amazing
downtown program as well, with photography, store-openings and mass-runway shows. The
official AFW streaming starts at 19:00 tonight, and all previous shows can be seen on their photo/video page. Just to refresh your minds, here is the schedule for tonight and tomorrow. You can find the complete schedule in
this earlier post. I will visit the Ready To Fish show on Friday. Excited!
Wednesday January 2518:00 | Fashion Week Opening Night
19:00 | LG presents Sjaak Hullekes | Catwalk
21:00 | Vodafone presents Bas Kosters | Catwalk
Thursday January 2611:00 | Jivika Biervliet & Sarena Huizinga | Fashion Week LAB
13:00 | ADO LES SCENTS by HUN YEU | Salon
14:00 | Melissa Siegrist Bravoure | Fashion Week LAB
15:00 | INDIVIDUALS | Salon
17:00 | Furansu & Nieuw Jurk | Fashion Week LAB
18:00 | Grazia presents Elise Kim | Catwalk
20:00 | Marije de Haan & Winde Hienstra | Fashion Week LAB
21:00 | Mobile Provider SIZZ presents Spijkers & Spijkers | Catwalk
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