1 Unknown via My Downloads
I know, it certainly is not respectful to copy pictures from people without giving them copyright, but I blame the easiness of the 'Save in My Downloads'-button! Ever since I got to know Kate Lanphear, dyed blonde - or even better, white - coupes became an obsession. Even though it would not fit my enormous black brows or dark eyes, it suits this girl perfectly. Furthermore I am craving for some big knit like hers.
2 Frida Johnson via Fyndigt by Frida
The always smiling Frida is a delight to look at. Normally she dresses quite bohemian, with brown nuances and floppy hats but I like the way this turned out. You can't get around the snakeprint lately, and Frida smashed it with this fine jacket from Romwe. This Serpentine Pattern Shinning Suit looks familiar...
3 Hedvig via the Northern Light
The best part of Hedvigs blog is the 'about': 'I grew up in the far north of Norway where ou see the northern light during the whole winter as long as the sky is clear. After moving around for many years my is now in the heart of London, a city I love but the north will always be part of me.' Clearly, the north has never left her. This look is something that reminds me of the simplicity of Hanneli Mustaparta. Sleek hair in a small bun, a sneak peek of the YSL arty ring on her right hand and, again, the big knit. I'm feeling wintery, let the snowfall begin!
4 Unknown via Stockholm Streetstyle
Just a back of a stranger. But what a good looking one! The shape of this leopard jacket is something to look out for. It seems more of a cape, this square-way worn. It could be a great Do It Yourself, if I only had a jacket like this. It also reminded me of a cruelty; the part hanging on the back is much like the leopard's tail, if it would be a real fur jacket. And, a lesson learned: '90s or now, you can never go wrong with animalprint, anywhere!
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